Thursday, January 25, 2024

Blog Post 2

     I have not had that much experience using Microsoft Word. I am more familiar with Google Docs, but I have used Microsoft Word a few times throughout high school. I have had to use Word a couple times in chemistry and also when I observed an elementary classroom when I was in high school, I took notes on Word because I didn't need wifi to use it. Overall though I am definitely more familiar with Google Docs, but only because I have used it more. I also like that it automatically saves. I remember in elementary school working hard on assignments on Word and then forgetting to save and losing everything.

    The standard that is most meaningful to me is probably the collaborator. I think it is important to share ideas with co workers, especially teachers. If a teacher is struggling with how to deal with a student, getting advice from other educators might be really helpful. When reading about this, I have learned that it is important to also ask for student's feedback. Since teachers teach students, sometimes the best way to know if you are doing a good job is by asking the students.

    I kind of agree with the "digital native" label. There definitely is a difference between people that grew up with technology and people that didn't, and you can definitely tell who is who. A digital native is someone who grew up with technology. I have seen how some of my teachers who are not digital natives have trouble with certain technology, but most of them are learning and are getting the hang of it. For example, today one of my professors was trying to show us a youtube video but he couldn't figure out how to get the sound to work. One of my classmates had to come up and help him and was able to get it to work. This is definitely an example of digital natives. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Blog Post 1

     My name is Madeline Wilhelm, but I go by Maddie! I am from Alpharetta, Georgia and I go to Florida State University. I am majoring in Elementary Education and I want to be a Kindergarten teacher. I have one younger brother and three dogs. My hobbies include soccer, which I have played since I was four, coloring, hanging out with friends, trying new foods, playing with kids, and being involved in my sorority, Pi Beta Phi. My senior year of high school, I worked at an elementary school as an after school worker and I loved it, and this really started my passion to become a teacher.

    Since coming to college, I have started using technology and getting comfortable with it a lot more. I don't really have much prior experience besides when I used it in school. I am familiar with Canva and have used it a lot more recently to create designs and other things that I need for school. I have also used google drive a lot throughout my years as a student. I find it easier than Microsoft Word, but only because I have not used Word as much so I do not know how to work it as well.

    My personal learning networks include my family and friends, teachers, the library, social media, and pinterest. My family and friends have been very helpful in encouraging me and keeping me on the right track for what I was to accomplish. They always keep me focused and give me support. My teachers have also been very helpful. They are also very supportive and helpful and help me know what my next steps are on the path to becoming a teacher. The library has been an amazing and useful space for me to have a quiet area to study. Social media has allowed me to connect with others that are on the same path as me and are trying to become a teacher. I can learn more about what it is like to be a teacher from other people who are already teachers. Pinterest has been a helpful tool to allow me to get ideas for the type of teacher that I want to me. It can also give me ideas for how I want to decorate my classroom. 

Blog 10

      I aquired many new skills while working on this project. I never knew how to do a lot of the things that I had to do for this assignme...