Sunday, March 24, 2024

Blog 8

     I definitely learned so much designing my website. I thought it was fun and I will be able to use what I learned in the future to make websites for my classes. One design principle I used when making this website was the title section. I made sure that the background was pretty and the title words were a color that was easy to read. I liked that I was able to be creative with this project and I really enjoyed it. I can't post a link to my website because it won't let me publish it.

    I use AI tools occasionally. I most often use something like chatGPT to help me with writers block. It helps me construct a foundation for a paper ot essay. From there I can build off the ideas provided by chatGPT and branch off of them. Another AI tool I often utilize is Siri. It makes simple tasks like calls and internet searches much quicker. 

    I learned a lot about AI tools. I thought the AI chatbots were really easy to use and connect to and it is a good resource. My perception of AI has changed a little bit. I used to think that AI was just a tool to cheat and it wasn't honest work but now I see so many benefits and I think it has more uses than just to cheat. I will address potential risks with my students using AI chatbots by warning them and making sure they know how it works.

    I think AI tools can definitely enhance productivity. They can help things be accomplished quicker and easier. I think that in the future when I am a teacher I will use AI tools to help give me ideas for lesson plans. I will also use AI to help explain a subject in a different way if my students aren't understanding the subject the way I am explaining it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maddie! I think you did an excellent job explaining your website and it looks so good, cant wait to see where the future takes you


Blog 10

      I aquired many new skills while working on this project. I never knew how to do a lot of the things that I had to do for this assignme...