Sunday, February 25, 2024

Blog 6

     My first experience using Diigo was good. I think it is a really good website that is easy to use and it is useful. It can be a little hard at first to figure it our but once I got the hang of it, it was really easy and I enjoyed using it. I thought it was really cool that when me and one of my classmates accidentally used the same website, it just combined them so that there weren't two links with the same website article. Overall, I really enjoyed using this website and I think it will be really helpful in the future.

    I love to blog. Expressing my opinions and feelings towards a certain topic every Sunday is really important and exciting. I like that I have a certain topic that I am supposed to write about and I can give feedback on things that we have done in class that week. I also like that if I have a negative thing to say about the class that week, I can say it without fear of being judged. Throughout this process, I have learned more about this blogger website and also how to write my feelings.

    An interesting Web 2.0 tool that I use all the time is Pinterest. I will definitely use Pinterest all the time when teaching. Pinterest allows me to find cool ideas and games that I can utilize in my future classroom. For example, if I do not know how to teach a certain subject or standard, I can go on Pinterest and find ideas for how to teach it. Overall Pinterest gives me a lot of inspiration and ideas for my life. 

Link for Pinterest:

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Blog Post 5

     I have been using Instagram for my Personal Learning Network. I have found it really helpful to get a look at what life is like for a teacher. I have found many teachers that post on Instagram that really show me what they do and how they do it. Instagram and other social media will definitely be a useful tool in the future. I will always have someone to ask if I am stuck on an issue with a student, and I can find ideas for how to teach a topic.

    The digital divide definitely can have an affect on student's success in school. Technology is a big part of their llives now and they have grown up knowing how to use this, while older teachers may not know. I have definitely seen this in the classroom with teachers not knowing how to use a tool online and then just giving up because they can't do it. The tool could have helped a student that was struggling but since they couldn't figure out how to use it, a student could have suffered.

    Two software tools I would llike to implement in my future classroom are microsoft office and Canva. Microsoft office is a really cool tool that students have access to many different things, like spreadsheets and powerpoints. It is located all in the same place which I think is really helpful for students. I really love Canva and use it all the time to create things for school. I think it is really fun and allows students to use their creativity to create things. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Blog Post 4

     I chose the grade level K-2 and the first standard, Standard 1: Communication and collaboration. This standard is basically saying that you need to know how to communicate and collaborate with other teachers, students, etc, and which platforms and tools can be used online to accomplish this. I think I could implement this standard because I know ways to communicate with others. I use email all of the time to communicate with my teachers and classmates, so this standard is easy for me.

    I definitely think these resources can be used in my teaching. I chose a math standard at the kindergarten level and it had a lesson plan and a couple videos that I can watch to help me understand what  I need to teach. I think this is super helpful and I can use this to help me teach the math that kindergarteners are supposed to be learning. For example, the lesson plan it gave me explains a game I can play with students to have them demonstrate models and have them practice problem solving. 

    It is very important for teachers to be able to internet search. It will help them be able to give students correct answers if they aren't sure about something, and they will be able to teach students how to interent search. I learned a lot more about Google advanced search and I will definitely be using that more to narrow down my search when I am trying to find something specific. Before I  learned about this, I was just typing my question into Google, but sometimes I wouldn't find what I was looking for, so I will use advanced search from now on. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Blog Post 3

     I think it is really important for teachers to know about copyright and fair use, especially to help educate students in this subject. It can be hard for teachers to find material, but making sure that they are using licensed copies for the classroom. I didn't really know that much about copyright and fair use, I had no idea that there were so many different symbols for copyright. I learned a lot more about what each symbol means and how to use them.

    The technology implementation issue I chose is cyberbullying. I think that since technology and social media is so popular now, it is a lot easier for kids to anonymously bully other people online. A solution I have to stop cyberbullying in my future classroom is to make sure to educate my students about what cyberbullying is. I think a lot of students don't really know what it is and don't know how negatively affect the people they are bullying. 

    AI has become super popular in classrooms, and I think it has both a positive and negative affects. If students use AI responsibly and don't use it to copy its work for schoolwork, it can be a really effective tool. AI can help give students ideas, or allow them to check over their work. However, there can be negative affects of AI. Some students will use it as their work, and don't put any creativity or originality in their schoolwork, which makes it hard for teachers to grade the work, because they don't know if it was done by the student or not.

    I learned many new skills from the Newsletter Design assignment. I learned how to create columns on MS Word, which I think made my newsletter look a lot cleaner and more sophisticated. I also learned how to do word art. I loved doing the word art, it made my newsletter look a lot cooler and more fun. I can improve my newsletter in the future by making it more colorful and bright. I will definitely use the skills I  learned while making this as a teacher. I think sending monthly newsletters home to the parents is fun and now I know how to do it.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Blog 10

      I aquired many new skills while working on this project. I never knew how to do a lot of the things that I had to do for this assignme...